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APP资源3个月前 (07-17)357


Directions: Suppose you have just participated in a school project of collecting used books on campus. You are now to write a report about the project, which may include its aim, organizers, participants and activities. You will have 30 minutes to write the report. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.








This report is for the purpose of introducing the school project of collecting used book on campus which I, as a student, have just participated in.

In our daily life, it is common for us, as students, to purchase and read so many books during our college life and it is also a common phenomenon for us to discard the books after we used. However, a host of youngsters deem that this is a sort of wasting and thus, the Student Union organized this project, which aims to help young people cultivate the awareness and habit of saving and helping others. This project was launched on our campus newspaper one week ago and the activity of collecting books was held on the playground yesterday. More than 200 students, including me, participated in it. It is said that part of the collected books in this project will be given to students in our university who cannot afford tuition.


As a participant, I reckon that this project is of great significance, which may bring us the sense of thrift, arouse our passion for life and help others in need. (187words)






Directions: Suppose your school is organizing an orientation program to help the freshmen adapt to the new environment and academic studies. You are now to write a proposal, which may include its aim, duration, participants and activities. You will have 30 minutes to write the proposal. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

【简析】题干所给背景为:“假设你所在的学校正在组织一项定向培训计划,目的是帮助大一新生适应新环境和学习。”体裁要求为"proposal", 即:提议,因此无特殊格式要求,写成二、三或四段均可。内容要求为介绍培训计划的目标、时长、参与者和活动。


It is so great to hear that our university is organizing an orientation program to help the freshmen adapt to the new environment and academic studies here. Personally, I deem that this program is exceedingly necessary and I have several suggestions.

To begin with, I deem that it is exceedingly necessary to invite certain well-known professors to participate in this program and give some lectures. It is their lectures that will enable freshmen to basically understand the skills and ways of academic studies. In addition, it is sensible to hold experience-sharing forums between some excellent sophomores and all freshmen, which aims to bring both parties opportunities to make friends, arouse freshmen's passion for studying here and help them know the new environment better. Thirdly, I suggest that this program last for approximately one month and thus, at least an experience-sharing forum or lecture can be arranged each week.

Finally, I believe that with our joint efforts, freshmen can adapt to the new environment and academic studies successfully in the shortest time. (171words)






Directions: Suppose your university student union is planning to hold a speech contest. You are now to write a proposal for organizing the contest. The proposal may include the topic, aim, procedure and selection of contestants. You will have 30 minutes to write the proposal. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

【简析】本次写作体裁要求为proposal, 无特殊格式要求,按正常三段论(二段或四段亦可)即可。写作背景为“假设你所在大学的学生会在策划举办一次演讲比赛”,内容要求为:“为组织本次比赛提建议,包括话题、目的、流程和选手的选拔。”






It is so great to hear that our Student Union is planning to hold a speech contest and as a student in this university, I have several suggestions concerning organizing the contest.

To begin with, I deem that the topic of the contest can be The Significance of Doing Small Things before Undertaking Something Big. Why? In our daily life, it is a common phenomenon for so many youngsters to ignore small tasks and they just want to do something big. However, it is doing small things well that enables them to build up skills, experience and competence. Thus, the speech contest can aim to help young people cultivate the awareness and habit of doing small things well. In addition, it is advisable for the procedure to be divided into three parts: self-introduction, prepared speech and Q A session. Furthermore, I hold that contestants should be selected from freshmen, sophomores and juniors since seniors are busy with preparing for the national entrance examination for postgraduates or hunting for jobs.

Finally, I, on behalf of all students, am looking forward to the success of this contest.









大运河(Grand Canal)是世界上最长的人工河,北起北京,南至杭州。它是中国历史上最宏伟的工程之一。大运河始建于公元前4世纪,公元13世纪末建成,修建之初是为了运输粮食,后来也用于运输其他商品。大运河沿线区域逐渐发展成为中国的工商业中心。长久以来,大运河对中国的经济发展发挥了重要作用,有力的促进了南北地区之间的人员往来和文化交流。


The Grand Canal is the world's longest man-made river, running from Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south. It is one of the most magnificent projects in Chinese history. First built in the 4th century B.C., the Grand Canal was completed in the late 13th century A.D.. Originally, it was built to transport grain and later to ship other commodities. The regions along the canal gradually developed into the industrial and commercial center of China. For a long time, the Grand Canal has been playing a crucial role in China's economic development, and has greatly promoted the personnel exchange and the cultural communication between the north and the south.





Originally constructed in the 3rd Century B.C., Dujiangyan is located on the Minjiang River in the west of the Chengdu Plain, about 50km from Chengdu. It is characterized by the flow control without the use of dams. Dujiangyan has been playing an effective role in flood prevention and irrigation for over 2000 years, making the Chengdu Plain a fertile land of stable yields despite drought or flood and one of China's most important grain production bases. As the oldest no-dam water-control irrigation works still in use over the world, Dujiangyan manifests Chinese people’s wisdom in the harmonious coexistence with the nature.



坎儿井(Karez)是新疆干旱地区的一种水利系统,由地下渠道将水井连接而成。该系统将春夏季节渗入(seep into)地下的大量雨水及积雪融水收集起来,通过山体的自然坡度引到地面,用于灌溉农田和满足人们的日常用水需求。坎儿井减少了水在地面的蒸发(evaporation),对地表破坏很小,因而有效地保护了自然资源与生态环境。坎儿井体现了我国人民与自然和谐共存的智慧,是对人类文明的一大贡献。


Karezis the water conservancy/irrigation system in arid areas of Xinjiang, consisting of wells connected by underground tunnels. The system collects plenty of rainwater and snow-melt water seeping into the ground in spring and summer. Through the natural slope of the mountain, the water flows to the ground for irrigation and daily use. Karez has reduced the evaporation of surface water and minimized the damage to the earth surface, thus effectively protecting the natural resources and ecological environment. As a significant contribution to human civilization, Karez manifests Chinese people's wisdom in coexisting with nature in harmony.



【Section A】

News Report 1

[1] A 22-year-old Chinese woman who suffered from a persistent coughwas shocked to learn that she had a piece of chicken bone lodged in her lung. The unnamed woman from the province of Shandong started to have coughing problems when she was 7 or 8 years old. For 14 years, she made numerous hospital visits. However, no doctor could identify any problem. Her uncontrollable coughing was a mystery. Finally, the woman got a full body scan at a hospital in the city of Qingdao. This special medical procedure revealed she had a chicken bone stuck in her lung. [2] Doctors performed surgery and removed the bone. The simple procedure went smoothly and the woman has recovered fully.With the bone finally removed from her lung, the woman is very happy that she no longer suffers from that annoying cough.

1. What was the woman's problem?

答案:B) She was coughing all the time.

2. How was the woman's problem eventually solved?

答案:C) Through a surgical operation.

News Report 2


[3] A white sheep named Prickles that ran away from an Australian farm during the 2013 bush- fires recently returned home.According to farmer Alice Gray, Prickles was only a lamb when she ran away. The bush fires that hit the area back then destroyed a large part of her family's massive property. They thought Prickles had died in the fire

[3] But instead, the young sheep escaped into a 200-acre forest near the fire.

[4] Once the fires were over, the family had to fix the damage done to the farm as it was such a large property. This included rebuilding about 50 kilometers of fencing.It was this huge fencing that prevented Prickles from finding her way back. Over the years, the family spotted her a few times. They even recorded her with cameras installed to monitor deer activity. But while they knew Prickles was alive, they couldn't find her and never expected her to return by herself. 7 years later, they were proven wrong.

3. What does the news report say about the white sheep Prickles?

答案:D) lt ran away into a nearby forest.

4. What did the family do after the bush fires?

答案:A)They rebuilt the fencing around their farm.

News Report 3


[5] Tons of gold have fallen out the sky in Russia, after a cargo plane malfunctioned in mid-air this morning.The aircraft was carrying £265 million worth of gold and diamonds when the door flew open, sending the precious metal back to earth. According to the official news agency, Russian authorities have recovered more than 170 gold bars weighing 20 kilograms each. The plane was traveling from Yakutsk Airport in a major diamond producing region to the city Krasnoyarsk in Siberia. [6] However, the aircraft made an emergency landing in Magan after it began losing some of its valuable cargo.Reports suggest some bars of gold was scattered up to 15 miles away from the airport. 9 tons of gold on plane AN-12 belonged to a goldmine company. Police have sealed off the runway and say it is unclear if it was an accident or an attempted robbery. [7] Technical engineers who worked on the plane prior to take-off are reportedly going to be questioned by the police.

5. What is the news report mainly about?

答案:D) The loss of gold from an airplane.

6. What do the aircraft do when the incident happened?

答案:A) It made an emergency landing.

7. What does the news report say about the technical engineers who worked

on the plane before take-off?

答案:C) They will be questioned by the police.

【Section B】

Conversation 1

M: Hello, you're through to customer service. This is Michael speaking. Before we continue, [8] I just want to make you aware that this call is being recorded and may be used in the future for training purposes.What can I help you with today?

W: Hi, my name is Jane Siemen. I recently bought an office chair from your company, but I returned it about a week ago. [9] I'm just calling to inquire when I would be able to get my money back.It says on your website that your company will pay back the money within three working days of view receiving the returned item. But it's been five working days and I haven't received anything.

M: I'm sorry to hear that, Mrs. Siemen. What's your customer reference number, please?

W: [10] My card number? Oh, maybe it has something to do with my new card. It was sent to me on Tuesday.Maybe the bank canceled my old one before you made the payment.

M: [11] Well, you'll need to update your card details directly on our website.Just make sure you're logged in, and then under the deion of your personal information, you should see an option for updating payment methods.

W: I am logged in, and I’ll give that a go.

M: I'll make a note here on the system for you so that the payment will be made tomorrow morning.

W: Thank you very much.

8. Why does the man have his conversation with the woman recorded?

答案:B) For future training purposes.

9. What is the woman's purpose of calling the furniture company?

答案:C) To get her money back for the returned chair.

10. What does the woman say about her bank card?

答案:D) She was issued a new card.

11.What does the man advise the woman to do?

答案:C) Update her bank card details on the company's website.

Conversation 2

M: I'm getting a bit hungry.

W: Yes, me too. I'm starving. Are you going to prepare a meal for us?

M: [12] No, sorry, I am actually pretty worn out.Let's just go out somewhere close to eat.

W: Well, I think we should stay in and save some cash. Can we get a meal delivered?

M: Yeah, great. [13] I'll use that food delivery app on my phone.What do you want? Fried chicken, hamburgers or fish and chips?

W: Oh, can we stay away from the junk food? How about something healthy?

M: OK, well, there's a place that does salads.

W: Let me have a look at that. Yeah, that looks delicious. But, to be honest, I prefer something hot, not cold.

M: How about Indian food?

W: [14] That's not the kind of hot, I mean. I'm just not a fan of sauces that make me sweat and cry. I need something mild.

M: Okay, so would you consider Mexican? Oh, no, sorry, there's also very hot pepper in that. Would you like some Italian food, perhaps? It's a bit heavy, but it's great food for a cold night like this.

W: Pizza, spaghetti with creamy sauce? I know it's really tasty and great comfort food. But it's too fattening for me. I'm trying to keep a slim figure. You know?

M: [15] Oh, you're really difficult to please.Well, there's a nice Chinese restaurant that delivers.

W: Yes, I love Chinese food. Let me see. Oh, it's 15 kilometers away.

M: That's a bit too far away. Do you feel like Vietnamese food then?

W: Yeah, awesome. It's healthy, and we can afford it.

M: Great. Let's order Vietnamese right away.

12. Why isn't the man going to cook?

答案:A) He is feeling exhausted.

13. What does the man say he'll do on his phone?

答案:B) Order a delivery.

14. What does the woman think of Indian food?

答案:D) It is too spicy.

15.What does the man think of the woman?

答案:C) She is too picky about food.

【Section C】

Passage 1

A new study carried out by the University of Lincoln has found a link between the personalities of cat owners and the behavior and well-being of their cats. [16] The findings suggest that just as a parent's personality can affect the personality of a child, the same is true for a cat and its owner.Owners defined as individuals with high levels of anxiety, fear, anger, depression, and loneliness were more likely to have cats with behavioral issues. Such cats displayed more aggressive and anxious behavioral styles as well as more stress-related sickness. They were also more likely to have an ongoing medical condition and be overweight. The research also found that mentally well-adjusted owners had calmer, happier and healthier cats. The researchers explained that many owners regard their pets as a family member and form close social bonds with them. [17] The majority of owners want to provide the best care for their pets.And it's therefore possible that pets could be affected by the way their owners interact with and managed them. The study highlights an important relationship between our personalities and the well-being of our pets. [18] Further research is needed to investigate the causal nature of this relationship, and to look at how owners’ personalities are directly influencing their pets’ behavior and well-being.It is possible that the well-being of pets is driven by the underlying nature of the owner, not simply by their conscious decisions and behaviors.

16. What do we learn from the new study by the University of Lincoln?

答案:A) Owner's personalities affect their cats' behavior and wellbeing.

17. What does the passage say most pet owners want to do?

答案:B) Provide their pets with the best care.

18. What does the passage say is still needed to understand the effects of owners’ personalities on their pets?

答案:D) Further investigation.

Passage 2

One sixty-meter run can add 7 hours to your life. This was a claim made by the Times last week. The claim was based on a new review of studies about the effects of running. [19] The review concluded that on average, runners live 3 years longer than non-runners, and that running does more to extend life than any other form of exercise.But there's more to running than its health benefits. [20] Research published in recent years has shown that running changes your brain and mind in some fascinating ways from increasing your brain function to regulating your emotions.However, the precise effects vary according to whether you engage in short, fast running or long-distance running. For example, in one study, researchers compared participants’ ability to learn new words after several minutes of intense running, and after 40 minutes of gentle running. Participants were able to learn 20% faster after the intense running and they showed a superior memory when tested again a week later. In another study, researchers asked volunteers to jog for 30 minutes, and then showed them clips from a sad movie. Participants who usually struggled to handle negative emotions were more intensely affected by the sad clips, just as you expect. [20] But crucially, this was less so, if they had completed the 30-minute jog, the researchers said moderate exercise appears to have helped those participants to be less vulnerable to the impact of the sad movie.

19. What did the new review of studies claim?

答案:B) Running is the best exercise for extending one’s life.

20. What is one effect that running has on people according to recent research?

答案:A) Improving their brain function.

21. What did another study find about the participants after they had a 30-minute jog?

答案:D) They were less affected by sad movies.

Passage 3

[22] Welcome to the tour of the Hill House.This house, built in 1904, is one of the most well-known works of Charles Hill, the famous architect. It was designed and built for a local entrepreneur and his family. Before starting the tour, let me give you a brief introduction about the design of this amazing building. [23] Prior to beginning his design, the architect spent some time in the client's old home, observing their life and studying their habits. This meant, that he could design the house according to the needs of the family. [24] The client's main desire was to have a home with the unique design, so the architect was given complete freedom. The building style is radically different from what was the fashion of the period. At the time, most large homes were constructed of timber and brick. This one, however, is made of concrete, a novel construction material in those days. The interior of the house, including fittings and furniture, was also designed by the same person. Most of the furniture you will see is original and in good condition. [25] However, those pieces in the children's bedrooms are copies built to the designs of the architect. Fortunately, all the blueprints for both the building and its contents have been preserved. So, we've been able to replace badly damaged furniture. Let's begin our tour starting from the rooms.

22. What do we learn about the speaker?

答案:A) He is a tour guide.

23. What did the architect do before beginning his design?

答案:C) He observed his client's life and habits.

24. What did the architects’ client mainly want?

答案:D)A house of a unique design.

25.What do we learn about the pieces of furniture in the children's bedrooms?

答案:B)They are copies built to the architect's designs.



【Section A】

News Report 1


United Airlines has apologized for mistakenly shipping an American family's pet dog thousands of miles in the wrong direction to Japan. The dog owner's beloved 10-year-old dog named Buddy, took an unexpected 16-hour flight to Tokyo following a mix-up by the airline. The dog owner's family are currently in the process of moving. They were meant to be reunited with the pet in their new home city in Texas. But, when they arrived at the United Airlines cargo facility in the Southerm US state, they found a stranger's dog waiting in Buddy's place. [1] Both of the dogs had been sent to the wrong destinations on connecting flights from Denver, with Buddy mistakenly being sent to Japan instead. Buddy was given a physical check-up when he arrived at Tokyo's International Airport. The dog was then sent back to the US on a private chartered jet. "I'm so glad he's alive and coming home soon," said the relieved dog owner. "An error occurred during the connections in Denver. We have notified our customers that their pets arrived safely. [2] We will arrange to return the pets to them as soon as possible." a spokesperson of United Airlines said.

1. What does the news report say about United Airlines?

答案:C) It sent two dogs to the wrong destinations.

2. What did the spokesperson for United Ailines say they would do after the incident?

答案:A) Correct their mistakes as soon as possible.

News Report 2


Officials at Reid Park Zoo in Tucson, Arizona, are celebrating the birth of a baby elephant. Zoo officials say the baby was born on Monday. It is a female, and she weighs nearly 130 kilograms. Semba, her mother,is a 30-year-old African elephant. The pregnancy lasted 22 months. Officials described the baby elephant as healthy, standing and nursing. The baby hasn't been given a name yet. [3]Semba has given birth before.Zoo officials said during this pregnancy, she was closely monitored through physical exams and blood tests. Doctor Sue Tagalsky is the zoo's diretor of the zoological operations. [4] She said the eleplants birth went smoothly and that there were no complications.The new baby expands the zoo's elephant herd to six. That includes the baby's parents, a sister, a brother and an adult female.

3. What do we learn about the mother elephant Semba?

答案:B) She has had babies before.

4. What does the report say about the birth of the new baby elephant?

答案:C) It was smooth.

News Report 3


5. What do we learn about the restaurant?

答案:D) It was built above the sea-water.

6. What did the restaurant manager decide to do recently?

答案:B) Replace the restaurant' s wooden deck.

7. What did the waitress do about the recovered ring?

答案:C) She posted its picture on Facebook.

【Section B】

Conversation 1

W: [8]I can't believe that duck hunting is still legal in so many parts of the world.The scientific evidence from countries like Australia, Canada, and the USA clearly indicates a decline in the birds' numbers.

M: But can anyone be sure if the decline is really caused by the hunting or by climate change?

W: It's caused by both in fact. We see more droughts in countries like Australia. Ducks are birds that feed and breed in areas where there is a lot of water.[9] But their habitats have been shrinking in recent decades because of the droughts.

M: And I guess with fewer places to inhabit, they concentrate in greater numbers in few areas, which surely makes them easier targets for the hunters.

W: It does. My grandfather was a duck hunter. He told me hunting ducks and geese began in the 19th century. They were easily found and plentifully available food source in farming areas, especially for poor immigrants.

M: What do they use for hunting during that period?

W: They use new types of guns, and birds could easily be shot down in flight and in such great numbers that commercial hunting of ducks and geese became an industry. [10] Yet there's no commercial farming of these bird nowadays. Their meat is hardly eaten in western countries.

M: No, duck hunting seemingly exists as the continuation of a tradition.

W: Well, ducks have never been popular with farmers like my grandfather anyway because they sometimes destroy crops. [11] In fact, farmers used to poison them in large numbers.

M: That somehow doesn't surprise me. Nobody places much value on the lives of these poor birds or on their meat.

8. What does the woman find unbelievable?

答案:D) Duck hunting remains legal in many parts of the world.

9. What does the woman say has caused the shrinking of ducks habitats in Australia?

答案:A) Droughts

10. Why is there no commercial farming of ducks and geese in western countries?

答案:B) Their meat is not that popuar.

11.What does the woman say about farmers in her grandfather's time?

答案:D) They poisoned wild ducks in large numbers.

Conversation 2

M: Okay, Miss Bright.I finished calculating. I estimate you have between 210 and 240 square meters of walls and ceiling.

W: [12] [13] So how much would the paint job cost?

M: That would depend on the quality of paint you choose. We carry two brands—one costs 60 cents every square meter and the other 90 cents. The second is guaranteed to look great for about 10 years whereas the cheaper one will start to dull after around 6 or 7 years.

W: In that case, we would prefer the more expensive option.

W: Emmm, to be perfectly honest, that's more than I expected.

M: Please bear in mind that the price includes moving all the furniture and the whole task would take 2 days.

W: Really? Why?

M: Well, we can't paint the walls without clearing all the furniture first. So every time we paint a room, we first have to move the furniture to another room. So that takes more time. Plus, it requires two people, which works out more expensive.

W: I see. [14] But does that mean I could not live here in my own house during those 2 days?

M: [14] Thatiscorrect.

W: Oh well, that changes everything, I'm afraid. I would have to stay with a friend or check into a hotel. I hadn't considered any of that. [15] I'm starting to realize that painting my house is far more troublesome than I had anticipated.

M: This is usually the case. Most of our clients go through the same realization.

W: I see.

M: You have my number. Please feel free to call me for any further questions.

W: Thank you.

12. What is the woman planning to do?

答案:A) Have her house repainted.

13. What is the woman's chief concern?

答案:B) How much the work will cost.

14. What does the woman have to do while the paint job is being done?

答案:C) Stay somewhere else.

15.What has the woman come to realize at the end of the conversation?

答案:B) Painting a house involves more trouble than she thought.

【Section C】

Passage 1


Homework is an important part of schooling, but the purposes of giving children homework will change as they growolder.[16]At the primary level, the main aim is to cultivate good habits,like learning to plan and exercising self-discipline.During the secondary school years, extending what is learned at school is positively related to academicachievement, so the content of homework becomes more important. [17] So how can you help your child do their best? Creating an ideal working environment will make it easier for them to get down to their assignments quickly.Make sureit's free of distractions, and - for primary school children at least - somewhere near you, so you can answer questions andoffer encouragement.You probably have to help younger children plan their session, but it's important that by the endof primary school it's second nature. Get them to tell you everything they have to do, then encourage them to establishan order in which they do work. [18] When there are several different assignments, make sure they begin with one theyenjoy, so it seems easy to get started.It's best to take on the most difficult task second - once they're settled, but beforethey get tired. If older children have more than an hour of homework, encourage them to schedule a short break tostretch. If you encourage them to tell you what they've learned, they'll absorb the information more deeply andremember it more readily.

16. What is the main aim of homework for primary school kids?

答案:A) To cultivate good habits.

17. What does the passage suggest parents do to help their childrcn?

答案:B) Create an ideal study environment for them.

18. What should children do to deal with multiple assignments?

答案:C) Start with something they enjoy.

Passage 2

[20] But critics say the policy contradicts recommendations by many health experts who warned that a person's weightis influenced by genetic and environmental factors. That means weight can be hard for individuals to control, which makes the bonus unfair.Some experts say the policy is inconsistent with the science of what we know about body weight regulation. These experts argue that focusing on wage is the wrong approach. A more productive method of encouraging health among employees is to promote healthy behaviors. [21] For example, companies can give workers gym memberships, or encourage participation in lectures on healthy eating and living. They can also reduce sweets and provide healthier snacks in the office and heathier meals at the company canteen. Or they can give employees more time during their lunch break to exercise. These are much better and much more productive ways for companies to move forward on their employees' well-being.

19. Who will qualify for the bonus in Mexican Oil Company?

答案:A) Workers who meet its body weight standards.

20. What do critics think of Mexican Oil Company's bonus policy?

答案:D) unfair.

21. What do experts propose companies do about workers' well-being?

答案:C) Encourage healthy behaviors.

Passage 3

[22] Campaigners have warned that the British government is not doing enough to prevent left-handed pupils fromfalling behind their peers.They claim that thousands of children are still being penalized for being left-handed.This isdue to a lack of action from ministers who failed to take any meaningful action for years. It is feared that a failure toaddress early-year challenges such as poor handwriting is too much more serious problems down the line with thesepupils facing reduced career prospects. [23] Studies in recent years show that left-handed children are more likely tosuffer with learning difficulties, and their scores are lower on IQ tests.Campaigners feel it's strange that children in British schools are penalized because they happen to be left-handed.They don't understand why successive govermmentshave failed to act on this. [24] They want the Department of Education to record which children are left-handed andwhat their educational attainments are since they make up some 10 % of the population.In early-year education, left-handed children are struggling and making a mess of their handwriting.Educators don't know how to deal with this. Inmany cases, there's no active help and a lack of teacher training. Campaigners point out that a high percentage ofthe prison population is left-handed. [25] They say that these prison numbers are unusually high and ask why it is the case.

22. Why are some people criticizing the British government?

答案:A) It has not done enough to help left-handed children.

23. What do studies in recent years show about left-handed children?

答案:D) They tend to have more difficulties in learning.

24. What do the campaigners demand the Department of Education do?

答案:D) Keep track of left-handed children' s school performance.

25.What do the campaigners want to know about left-handed prisoners?

答案:B) Why their numbers are so high.




【Section A 选词填空 】

文章第一句 (nightmare)

The sheets are damp with sweat. You' re cold, but your heart is. . . . .

26. G) fear

27. C) avoid

28. H) limited

29. D) aware

30. B) answer

31. O) typically

32. J) result

33. L) rigorous

34. K) review

35. M) tend

【Section B 段落匹配】

There’s a stress gap between men and women

【Section C 仔细阅读 】

Passage 1(remote work)


As many office workers adapt to remote work, cities may undergo fundamental change if offices remain under-utilized.

46. 题目

答案:C)It benefits employers at the expense of employees.

47. 题目

答案:D)It negatively impacts productivity.

48. 题目

答案:A)To provide convincing data for serious discussion.

49. 题目

答案:C)Employers’gain from remote working should go to employees as compensation.

50. 题目

答案:A)It should be avoided if possible.

Passage 2


The human thirst for knowledge is the driving force behind our successful development as a species.

51. 题目

答案:B)lt is the force that pushes human society forward.

52. 题目

答案:A)lt motivates people to seek information.

53. 题目

答案:D)They work in conjunction with the environment.

54. 题目

答案:B) They prefer to go after all that is novel.

55. 题目

答案:A)The cost of humans' curiosity to explore.



【Section A 选词填空 】


It is commonly believed that the great English dramatist and the poet...

26. E)exact

27. C) conclusively

28. L) scarcity

29. H) position

30. J) probably

31. B) classicial

32. M) senior

33. D) emergence

34. A) captured

35. I) precision

【Section B 段落匹配】


how to not be boring


答案:(F) The most interesting people aren't those who've gone on some Eal,Pray,Love jourmey to find themsclves.Instead,Pirson says,they're those who examine the ordinary.


答案:(J) Of course, it's possible to be a fountain of knowledge and a boring person,says public relations consultant Andrea Pass.Paying attention to the listener is an important part of


答案:[B]To tell the truth,interesting people are more popular among their friends.If you don't arouse someone's curiosity or brighten someone's day,you probably come...


答案:(I) Television veteran Audrey Morrissey, executive producer of NBC's The Voice, is always looking for what will make a person or story interesting to viewers........


答案:(M) I have now come to realize that being boring, in actuality, is not about who you are as a person,but also how you present yourself.


答案:C) Recently, I was at a gathering of colleagues when someone turned to me and asked,"So,what's new with you?" Ordinarily, I think I'm a good 'conversationalist.


答案:(G) This is essentinlly how Jessica Hagy starts her day a lot of time thinking about what's interesting to her······.


答案:(A) Humans are creatures habit. We love to establish a routine and stick with it.Then we often put ourselves on auto-pi-lot.Routincs can be incredibly useful in helping you get things done.


答案:(K) “If the listener is not paying attention, it's your sign to shorten the story or change direction.


答案:(E) If someone is making up some conversation that might be interesting, it's probably not going to land well, says the Pirson, whose expertise includes trust and...

【Section C 仔细阅读 】

Passage 1(obesity)


With obesity now affecting 29% of the population in England, and expected to rise to 35% by 2030, should we now recognise it as disease?

46. 题目

答案:C)It should be regarded as a genetic disease.

47. 题目

答案:D)It results from a lack of self-control.

48. 题目

答案:A)Obese people would not feel responsible to take anyaction.

49. 题目

答案:B)lt is too inclusive and thus lacks clarity.

50. 题目

答案:D)It may do little good to patients.

Passage 2


Nationwide, only about three percent of early childhood teachers are male in the U.S.

51. 题目

答案:C)It is negatively impacted by a lack of male teachers.

52. 题目

答案:A)The importance of broadening children's horizons.

53. 题目

答案:D)Many of them feel prejudiced against socially and culturally.

54. 题目

答案:A)Higher pay.

55. 题目

答案:B)Taking measures to attract prospective male teachers to work in the field.



【Section A 选词填空】

Many people believe that commitment are the foundations of ...

26. O) unique

27. I)possess

28. D) endure

29. C) confused

30. J) presence

31. B) assess

32. F) genius

33. A) acknowledge

34. M) surprising

35. G) highly

【Section B 段落匹配】

Why it matters that teens are reading less?

36.[E] That may be true, but that still does not tell us muchabout what happens across a whole generation of peoplewhen time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that Americanyouth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as theydid in the past.….

37.[B] Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in theUnited States collected since 1976 reveals a major shift inhow teens are spending their leisure time. Paper books arebeing ignored, in favor of screens.……

38.[G] lndeed, the number of senior high school studentswho said they had not read any books for pleasure in thelast year was one out of three by 2016. That is triple thenumber from two decades ago.…

39.[D] If teens are spending so much time using electronicdevices, does that mean they have to give activities? Maybe not. Over the years, many scholars have insisted that timeonline does not necessarily take away time spent engagingwith traditional media or on other activities. …….

40.[A] Most of us spend much more time with digital mediathan we did a decade ago. But today's teens have grownup with smartphones. Compared with teens a couple of decades ago, the way they interact with traditional media likebooks and movies is fundamentally different.…….

41.[H]This might present problems for young people lateron. When high school students go on to college, their pastand current reading habits will influence their academic per-formance.…..

42.[C]Teens did not always spend that much time with digital media.Online time has doubled since 2006,and socialmedia use has moved from a periodic activity to a daily onein the same period. By 2016, nearly nine out of ten youngwomen in the 12th grade said they visited social media sitesevery day.……

43.[F] But the treads related to movies are less disturbingcompared with the change in how teens spend their time. Research has revealed an enormous decline in reading. In1980,about 60 percent of senior high school students saidthey read a book,newspaper or magazine every day thatwas not assigned for school. By 2016,only 16 percent did.

44.[B] Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in theUnited States collected since 1976 reveals a major shift inhow teens are spending their leisure time. Paper books arebeing ignored, in favor of screens. ………

45.[E] That may be true, but that still does not tell us muchabout what happens across a whole generation of peoplewhen time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that Americanyouth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as theydid in the past.…..

【Section C 仔细阅读 】

Passage 1


Have you ever wondered how acceptable it is to hug or touch someone?

46. 题目

答案:C) Its absence might suggest a lack of warmth in interpersonal relationships.

47. 题目

答案:D) How close the communicators' relationships are.

48. 题目

答案:B) They take touching as a cultural norm in social interactions.

49. 题目

答案:A) Men can show friendship in public through physical affection.

50. 题目

答案:D) Take other people's preference into consideration.

Passage 2


From climate change to the ongoing pandemic(大流行病) and beyond, the issues facing today's world are increasingly complex and dynamic.

51. 题目

答案:A)It faces problems that are getting more varied and complicated.

52. 题目

答案:C) People are divided about the nature of interest.

53. 题目

答案:D) How a growth mindset of interest can contribute to cross-disciplinary thinking.

54. 题目

答案:C)Making innovative products needs multidisciplinary products.

55. 题目

答案:B)Broadening their interests






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