1、Happy Ball's Day巴蜀天地园主题英语日活动“Happy Ball”是巴蜀幼儿园的特色体育活动在丰富多彩的球类运动中,融入英语游。
2、come on!Parentchild time接下來,外教老師們特別準備了一些有趣的親子遊戲,祝寶貝們和爸爸媽媽一起過一個快樂的情人節!Next;Oh,careful,thatsoupissharp! Happyday!Mysonfinallyhadthenoodledream! Youdon’tknowhowlongIhavebeenwaitingforthismoment! Thisisasign,Po~ Enasignofwhat? You,arealmostreadytobeentrustwiththesecretingredientofmysecretingredientsou。
3、Oct 2nd Sunday FineMy parents took me to a museum today There we saw many interesting exhibits I really learned a lot and had a good time When we enjoying a beautiful picture, I found a visito;Come on, baby, happy birthday~~HAPPYEVERY DAY生日会小寿星HAPPY BIRTHDAYHAPPY EVERY DAY本月的小寿星有以下13位宝;大家创意无限的扮相让校园瞬间活跃了起来,一起度过了快乐的一天!Here comes the Crazy Hair Day! Every year, our school strives to。
4、HAPPY YOUTH DAY青年节快乐2016年5月1日国际劳动节,这是一个全世界人民都要放假的节日但小编觉得,同岑的每一位Fans。
5、then the company will be your flight platformWhere you are going, deciding on yourself, welcome, come on。