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Unit 1 Lesson 3

Part A Let’s say, Let’s chant Part C Culture


Teaching Aims :

1. Be able to listen, say, recognize the words: apple, ant, boy, bag, Coke, coffee.

2. Be able to listen, say, read and write these three letters: A a; B b; C c

3. Through the chant review the letters of ABC, train a sense of group identity.

Focus Points Difficult Points :

Read the letters: Big letter C, small letter c; Write down them correctly and handsomely.


Teaching Preparation:

1. Letter cards ,some word pictures, word cards: apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag ball

2. A little blackboard with four-line format and a ball.

Designing for the blackboard:

panda beaver eagle kangaroo (pictures)

China Canada America Australia (words)


Teaching Steps:

Step1. Warm –up

1. Sing a song.

2. Free talk

T: Hello. I’m Wendy. I’m from Hangzhou.

S1: Hello! I’m ... I’m from Hangzhou,too.

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

T: Let’s play. Ok?

S: Great!

T: Watch out! (T throws the ball.)

S: Oh, no.

Make a similar dialogue with your partner.


1. 1)T : Today, we will learn letters. Do you know letters? Just as A,B,C…… They are letters. What’s the meaning of letters?

S: 字母。

T: Great! A is the first letter. ( T shows letter A.)

T: A a↗↘ S: A a↗↘

T: This is big letter A. 大写字母A。

T: Big letter A. S: Big letter A.

T: Let’s make a big letter A. (With the hands)

Run two trains: Big letter A. (With the hands)

T: This is small letter a.

T: Small letter A S: Small letter A.

T: Look at this girl’s head. It’s a small letter a.

小a, 小a, 小翘辫。

Run two trains: Big letter A, small letter a.

2). T draws an apple: What’s this?

S: It’s an apple.

T draws an ant beside the apple: What’s this?

S: It’s an ant.

T: A for ant, / /,/ /, / /.

A for apple, / /, / /, / /.

2. Teach B b, C c like above.

Pay attention to the pronunciation of c.

Use right hand to make a c.

B for boy, /b/,/b/,/b/.

B for bag, /b/,/b/,/b/.

C for Coke, /k/,/k/,/k/.

C for coffee, /k/,/k/,/k/.

Step 3. Practise.

1. Game: Find out the letters we’ve just learned.

apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag


Read as: apple, No.1 small letter a.

2.1) T: You’re so smart. You can read them. Now, let’s write them down.

Look at the blackboard.

T: First, let’s write down big letter A. One, two, three. Now, Let’s try together. Show me your finger.

S: My finger.

T Ss: One, two, three.

T teaches the writing of small letter a.

2) T: Everyone has his home. Where is A’s home?

Here it is. (T points at the four-line format.)

T: This is letter’s home. This is the first floor. Then the second floor and the third floor. Big letters A lives in the second and third floor.

Let’s write down it. Show me your finger.

S: My finger.

T Ss: One, two, three.

T teaches the writing of small letter a in the four-line format.

Write them on your exercise book.

Teach the writing of Bb, Cc.

3. Lets chant.

1) Read after T.

2) Say with the tape.

3) Say by yourself.

4. Culture.

T writes down:3.8

T: March 8th is Women’s Day.


T: On that day, you should say “Happy Women’s Day” to your mother.

You also can pour a cup of tea, then say “ Have some tea, mom.”

TS act like mother and son/ daughter.

S: Ding dong.

T: Come in, please.

S: Happy Women’s Day!

T: Thank you.

S: Mom, sit down , please.

Have some tea.

T: Thank you. My dear daughter.

Step4. Assessment.

1).Complete the writing of letters and exercise on the activity book.

2) Make letter cards of A\B\C.

Think it over:


Teaching contents

This is a writing lesson about “”

Teaching objectives:

Knowledge objective

Students will understand the new words/expressions/sentence structures correctly.

Ability objective

Students can improve their writing ability through activities.

Emotional objective

Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and found of taking part in kind of activities.

Teaching key and difficult points:

Teaching key point

Students can writing a passage by using  the new words/sentence structures correctly.

Teaching difficult

Students can use the new knowledge in their daily life.

Major steps:

Step 1 pre-writing(8 minutes)

(1) Ask students to read the passage and lead them to find the supporting ideas of ______.(main ideas/标题)




(2) Divide students into groups of four, ask them to talk about ____(对应的话题), and give details information to support their points.

(Justification: Group discussion can arouse students’ interest and strengthen their cooperative spirit. Moreover, they can get more details information for the following writing.)

Step 2 while-writing (7 minutes)

Ask students to write a passage about “主体”and pay attention to the cohesion, logic, choices of words, grammar and punctuation.

(Justification: students can master some writing strategies and express their opinions by using the new knowledge.)

Step 3 post-writing (5 minutes)

(1) Organize students to make self-editing and exchange their writings with classmates to do peer-editing.

(2) Then invite some students to share their writings and others make comments.

(Justifications: Editing can provide a better writing for students. Meanwhile, the comments will help students lean more from others and improve their writing ability.)




Teacher: *****

Content: Lesson 14 Unit7 colors (2)

1. Knowledge aim

①The text of lesson 14 is talk about colors.

②Understand and speak out the nine new words: blue, pink, black, white, have, pet, it, rabbit.

③Study the new sentences: “what color is it ” “I have a …” “It’s…” (The answer is color)

2. Teaching aim

①Master the new words.

②Make sentences with the new words.

③Let the students to the color of interrelated inquiries and responses have a clear understanding. ④Develop students’ imaginations.

3. Develop teaching point.

①Speak out the new words and make sentences in right tone. ②Stress the “a” is important to the sentence “I have a….” Many students often miss it.

4. Teaching aids

Cards, tape, some stars (To encourage students)


Background of English teaching in primary school

It is not a long history that English is as a subject in primary school in our country and the main instructional aims of teaching English in primary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. Our boys and girls are exposed to English for the first time, so it is very important to develop their keen interest in English.

I. Contents:

Today I’m going to talk about Part B of Unit 2, PEP Primary English, Book 3. This lesson includes two parts: Let’s talk and let’s practice. In section 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about “What’s in the schoolbag ” and the answers. And in section 2, it provides a real situation for the Ss to prastise the pattern: How many +n.(pl.)+ do you have And the answer: I have 23 +n.(pl.)

II. Teaching aims

1. Aims on the knowledge

(1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: “My schoolbag is heavy. What’s in it Thank you so much.” Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.

(2) To help Ss to finish the survey.

(3) Let Ss finish the assessment of “Let’s check” in this unit.

2. Aims on the abilities

(1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.

(3) To foster Ss’ abilities of communication and their innovation.

( 书村网 )

3. Aims on the emotion

(1) To foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.

(2) To lead Ss to show their loveliness to the poor.

III. Key-points of this lesson

(1) To help Ss ask and answer the question: What’s in it

(2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

(3) To develop Ss’ interest in English.


This is a dialogue that happens in the fruit shop .several sentences surround selling and buying the fruit will belearned .During the first and the second part in this unit ,the kids have understood simple instructions and act accordingly ,and they can say simple words ,phrases or sentences by looking at objects and the pictures .eg: lychee, banana, apple,“What’s this It’s an apple.”In Unit seven ,we grasped the numbers from one to ten .

The main language points in this unit is to make sentences using the fruit and numbers freely and communicate with others in English in the fruit shop. And pay close attention to the single and plural forms of the nouns .According to the kids’ English level and the corresponding content in the daily life ,I give them some extra extending .To train their ability of communicate with the others in English ,I prepare the following design .

Teaching aims (教学目标)

1.knowledge and skill aims :(知识技能目标)

Review the names of the ten different kinds of fruit and recognize the numbers from one to ten .

Understand simple instructions about the numbers and act accordingly. Practice English and communicate with others in the situation.

2.Equip them with the emotion ,attitude and value goals :(情感、态度、价值目标)

Cultivate the spirit of co-operations in the group work..




我说的内容是九年义务教育小学英语六年级Book 4 Unit 4 Lesson 19




学生能够会说、认读本课对话并能够使用句型:What are you doing? I’m making a model ship。Pass me an egg,please。 Give me two apples。






重点:1)理解并灵活运用句型What are you doing? I’m…

2)两个祈使句:Pass me an egg,please。

Give me two apples。

难点:knife、scissors、minute的发音。以及长句子:We‘ll go to the lake and try it on the water。






1、 Warm up

(1) Greetings师生相互问候,帮助学生自然进入英语学习状态

(2) Sing a song and dance: Front,back,right ,left


2、 Revision


3、 Presentation and drill

1)通过用纸叠船创设情景引出引出句型What am I doing? I’m making a model ship. 然后板书,进行操练,通过CAI 教学What are you doing? I’m…四幅情景图分别配上I’m watching TV. I’m listening to the radio. I’m talking to a friend. I’m playing with my doll.让学生边看边听边感知,老师在示范并辅以肢体语言,然后让发音准确的学生小老师教读。

继续进行纸叠船创设情景,师说:Who can help me? Pass me the knife ,please。板书新单词pass 、knife。Give me two apples。 板书新单词give、scissors。然后板书,进行操练,通过CAI 教学展示Let‘s practise中的六幅图,让学生造句,加深学生对这两个祈使句的印象。

2)第二步让学生叠纸船。通过学生用纸叠船创设情景引出句子:Can I help you? Can it go on the water?看到学生有叠完船的,老师引出:Wait a minute 。After class。We‘ll go to the lake and try it on the water。I‘ll show you 。通过学生用纸叠船创设情景这样做也激发了学生的学习兴趣,使学生对本科教学任务有清晰地感知,并产生丰富的想象,带着浓厚的兴趣参与本课的教学中。




1)Pair work


2)Sing a song

把What are you doing? I’m … 变成歌曲(曲调同“两只老虎”)



1)、Do workbook。进一步巩固所学知识。

2)、Fun time。学习Look out!告诉学生注意交通安全。



1) Listen and repeat。通过回家听录音,复习巩固所学内容。

2) 小组合作组织一个新对话。



初中英语教学设计模板教案设计 Food and drink


饮食话题是学生们最感兴趣的话题之一。他与人们的日常生活息息相关。 只要老师引导得好,可设计许多的内容。同时“饮食”话题也是初中阶段必会的以及各类考试中经常涉及的重要话题之一。

本单元主要让学生练习“吃”和“喝”的话题。结合时间的表达和“饿了”“渴了”的表达引出“想吃什么”,“想喝什么”的话题,练习常用的表达。并介绍两种单词,food words and drink words,所涉及的语法现象为不可数名词量的表达。食品有:bread, rice等,饮料有:tea, milk, water, juice等,引出 a cup of, a bag of, a glass of, a bottle of, a piece of,学生基础较好的班可给出a bowl of, a box of等。与此同时运用所学过的 how many句型,进一步学会不可数名词量的提问和应答。


74课学习功能句 “想要„„吗?”“„„怎么样?”的表达。为74课的第二部分 “购买食品”做好铺垫。


进行第二轮语音复习。定位在最基本的/i/,/e/和/i:/三个单母音上。 ●语音及词汇教学建议

准确、熟练的运用最基本的/i:/, /e/ 和 /i/三个单母音。




food, drink, hungry, thirsty, water, eat, rice, bread, meat, tea, milk, glass, a glass of,

would like, I’d like=I would like sth, porridge, fish, dumpling, fruit piece, a piece of


hamburger, needle, potato, chips, coke, coffee, madam, dear, ice, cream, ice cream, USA, different, vegetable, sometimes


本单元的中心话题是“Transportation”,围绕“How do you get to school”,“How long does it take?”,“How far is it?”层层展开,并采用“任务型语言教学途径”,编排了一系列凸现“交际功能Talk about how to get to school”运用的听说读写综合语言活动,让学生学会谈论如何到达某个地方,距离有多远,要花多长时间等等。这些活动紧贴学生的生活实际,极具真实性,从而使学生的个人经历成为课堂学习的有效图式,有助于学生对所获取的声音和文字英语资讯的理解;有助于调动他们用英语表达自己的经验和感受兴趣和热情;有助于促进他们语言功能的运用;有助于提高他们为应用而主动学习和掌握语言知识词汇和语法结构等的兴趣。

在教材编排上,Section A是基础,是底线,是学生必须掌握的目标语言;而Section B是Section A的扩充套件和引申,通过任务型听力来讨论交通工具及方式的最佳组合方式,并通过任务型阅读帮助学生了解不同国家学生上学的交通工具及方式的异同。



词汇:subway, take the subway, train, minute, how far, quick, leave for, half, past, bus station, bus ride,

stop, bust stop, north, school bus, by boat, must, car, ill, worry

句式:How do you get to school? I ride my bike.

How long does it take? It takes ten minutes.

How far is it from your home to school? It’s about 10 kilometers.


1 能够谈论如何到达目的地。

2 能够谈论自己的日常生活。



1 学会关注生命与安全;培养时间观念,学会珍惜时间。

2 了解朋友及家人的生活。


1 社会实践:学习距离、交通方式的表达。

2 个性培养:学会合理安排自己的生活,培养时间观念,学会珍惜时间。

3 跨文化研究:了解不同国家、不同地区学生上学的交通工具及方式的异同。




1. 采用情境法、交际法和“任务型”教学途径,使“英语学习任务化,学习活动生活化”,通过设定多样化的任务,巧妙注意任务的序列性,让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的生活任务,从而培养学生运用英语的能力,用英语做事的能力。在教学过程中,坚持“以人为本”,关注学生的情感,关注学生的发展,把说的机会留给学生,把思考的时间还给学生,把做的权利交给学生。

2. 充分发挥多媒体辅助教学的优势,集图片、声音、动画于一体,使课堂教学更为形象,更为直观,更为生动,学生更有兴趣,印象也会更深。

3. 采用小组合作的学习方式,让学生学会交流,学会分享,学会合作,并有效地避免班额过大、不同学生之间知识水平和智力发展参差不齐,同时师生之间、学生之间的交际得不到充分发挥等问题。







2How many + 可数名词复数+ can you see?及回答。

How man +可数名词复数 + are there?及回答。




1.记住并能灵活运用可数名词和不可数名词。如:some cakes, some bread, some rice等。

2.树立不可数名词的概念,如:一般的液体不可数。并学会量单复数的表达,如:a bottle of juice, a cup of tea, a glass of milk 等。

3.学习关于询问“多少”的提问和应答主要是带有量词的不可数名词。并注意 some, many, any, a, and an 的用法。

4. 注意要设计情景,多练习使用以下句型: Would you like „? What would you like„? I’d like„


本单元的口语训练包括三个专案:l人物与想要的东西;2在实际情景中如商店,餐馆,家里谈论饮食;3How many句型的口语练习。




表示该干什么了: It’s time for supper.

表示“渴了”“饿了”: I’m thirsty. I’m hungry.

表示多少: How many bottles of water can you see in the picture?I can see three.

表示早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么: What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ supper?

What would you like for supper?

What does your friend have for breakfast?

What would your friend like for supper?

表示想要什么:What would you like? I’d like a bottle of apple juice. Would you like something to drink? Oh, yes.

表示怎么样: What about something to drink / eat?

表示提供帮助和建议:Can I help you, madam? Yes, I want some rice. Do you have any ice cream?



另外,76课练习8,写回信也是很好的写作训练。可将学生分成四人的小组。让学生们在小组内部仔细阅读Robert的来信,分析它所提出的问题都包含几方面。回信该如何回答?还可写些什么?四人可适当分工:两人收集课文中的句子,两人起草回信。然后认真阅读课文,从本单元中找出回信可用的句子并整理出来,备用。小组集体完成一份回信,作为作业 交给老师。最后,教师可设一定的奖励。


Dear Robert,

I’m glad to receive your letter and I know you want to e to China. You talk about Chinese food in your letter. Do you know Chinese food tastes the most delicious in the world? We cook something in many different ways. We can stir-fry, fry, steam, boil, *** oke and so on.

We have eggs and milk for breakfast, have rice with vegetables, meat and fish for lunch, noodles and dumplings for supper. Chinese food not only tastes

good but also has good nutrition. Sometimes we go to McDonald and Kentucky Fried Chicken. But I don’t like them very much.

For drink, we often drink vegetable and fruit juice, mineral water, and all kinds of milk. Coke and sprite are children’s favourite drink. But I like Chinese tea best.

We have a lot of traditional food and home cooking dishes here, for example: Beijing roasted duck, instant boiled mutton, sweet and sour fish, home-style bean-curd and so on. Now we like home cooked food better than take-away food. Beijingers like bean curd, very much, too. If you e to China, I’ll show you around the city and you can taste these foods one by one if you aren’t afraid to get fat.

Best wishes


Zhang Fan






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